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Department of Broadcast Communication

UP College of Media and Communication


Faculty members of BC Department

Photo credit: Roehl Niño A Bautista


The Department of Broadcast Communication envisions a just and humane society through media that is free and liberating. As a leading institution of higher learning in broadcast, digital, and emerging media arts and media studies in the Philippines and the Asia-Pacific, it fosters ethical and excellent scholarship and practice in media education, research, creative work, and public service in pursuit of empowering and emancipative ways of media life.


To create a transformative media education by focusing on a deep understanding of broadcast, digital, and emerging media, thoughtful and innovative media and knowledge production in a complex and continuously shifting media ecosystem, and responsive and inclusive leadership in media education and media practice.

To produce ethical, excellent, and exciting media research and creative work that advance emancipatory and demarginalizing ideas, knowledge, and action that are rooted in evolving Filipino and Asian perspectives and realities.

To enable a community where people lead and create for themselves transformative, just, meaningful, and productive media lives.

DBC Core Values:

  • Integrity, Ethics, Excellence

    We uphold the University’s principles of honor and excellence, which are inseparable commitments. We strive to create excellent media education, knowledge, and practice founded on uncompromising adherence to truthfulness and ethics.

  • Creative and Critical Knowledge and Practice

    We believe that knowledge production is productive knowledge, where knowing and doing are inextricably linked. Further, knowing and doing require that our creative pursuits are necessarily critical, conscious, and deliberate.

  • Inclusive and Transformative Leadership

    We strive to develop students who are not only capable media practitioners but initiators and pathfinders in the field of media studies and media work – leaders who improve, innovate, and transform the ways we know and do media so that it serves the voiceless in an inequitable society.

  • Resilient, Sustainable, Adaptive

    We work towards a media ecosystem that withstands pressures and challenges from a bio-socio-technical perspective. We endeavor to configure a media practice that advances the protection and enrichment of our environment.

  • Malaya at Mapagpalaya (Free and Emancipatory)

    We champion a media environment that is free from the controls of those in power so that we engender media practitioners and a media practice that challenge and interrogate the status quo. We fight for a media that is liberating and demarginalizing

  • Makatao at Makatarungan (Humane and Just)

    We cultivate an academic culture that is built on the fundamentals of humaneness and justice. Ultimately, the only kind of media that we should live with and live in is one that nurtures and pushes for equity.

Oblation statue on Quezon Hall with sunflowers on the foreground

Photo credit: Roehl Niño A Bautista